Aquarius and Pisces Compatibility: Sex, Love and Friendship
Key Takeaways:
Aquarius and Pisces have the potential for a harmonious and deeply fulfilling relationship. The key is communication and respecting each other’s differences. With a little understanding, they can create a bond. It blends the smart with the emotional, the odd with the kind. It’s a truly special kind of magic.
Compatibility: Low
Read on to learn how you can make things go smoother

Aquarius and Pisces Compatibility
Aquarius and Pisces together create a blend of quirky brilliance and dreamy intuition. It’s an interesting match! Aquarius is an air sign known for its intellectual energy and love of freedom. Pisces, a water sign, is deeply emotional and thrives on connection. They have a lot to learn from each other, creating a relationship that can be both stimulating and soothing.
Imagine an eccentric scientist (Aquarius) and a compassionate poet (Pisces) coming together. There’s an instant, almost unusual connection. Aquarius is drawn to Pisces’ depth of feeling, while Pisces is intrigued by Aquarius’s unique way of seeing the world. Together, they form a bond based on understanding and a desire to make the world a better place.
Core Strengths
- Shared Idealism: Both signs want to improve their community and the world around them. They’ll dream up big projects together and inspire each other to act on their beliefs.
- Emotional Connection: Pisces understands emotions well. This skill can help Aquarius open up, too. Aquarius encourages Pisces to see the world from a more logical angle, creating a beautiful balance.
- Creative Explosion: Pisces has a wild artistic side, while Aquarius brings innovative thinking. Collaborating can lead to some truly unique and beautiful projects.
- Acceptance and Tolerance: Neither sign is judgmental. Aquarius celebrates differences, and Pisces is super accepting. This creates a safe space for individuality.
- A Quiet Haven: Both signs need alone time. Pisces to swim in their emotional depths, Aquarius to explore their intellectual space. They intuitively understand this about each other and won’t feel threatened by this need.
Potential Challenges
- Emotional vs. Intellectual Disconnect: Pisces leads with their heart, while Aquarius relies more on logic. This can sometimes cause misunderstandings or hurt feelings if they forget to respect each other’s approach.
- Aquarius’ Detachment: Sometimes, Aquarius can seem aloof. This can make sensitive Pisces feel insecure. Pisces needs reassurance, while Aquarius needs to practice expressing their affection more openly.
- Lack of Practicality: This dreamy duo is better at ideas than execution. They might need help with the nitty-gritty aspects of life and decision-making.
- Avoiding Tough Conversations: Pisces doesn’t like conflict, and Aquarius can be indirect in communication. It’s essential they address problems head-on for the relationship to flourish.
- Elusive Aquarius, Needy Pisces: Free-spirited Aquarius could struggle with Pisces. This is if the water sign feels insecure about Pisces’ occasional clinginess. Healthy boundaries are important in this relationship.
Pisces and Aquarius Compatibility Percentage
Relationship Aspects | Compatibility Percentage |
Romantic Connection | 51% |
Trust | 49% |
Communication and Understanding | 34% |
Expressing Feelings | 2% |
Shared Beliefs and Values | 49% |
Doing Things Together | 39% |
Overall Relationship | 37% |
At first glance, Aquarius will see Pisces as somebody friendly and social. It’s like they’re someone they’ll be able to talk to and have a good time with. Somebody with whom they can make friends.
At first glance, Pisces will notice Aquarius has someone who’s very independent and free-spirited. A person who is very logical and intelligent. And someone who is immersed in thoughts and ideas rather than fantasy. Nevertheless, the question remains: Can they commit to each other long-term?
Let’s look at what the two of them have going for them and against them. You can also read what our experts have to say about this couple!
Aquarius and Pisces In Bed
Sexual Compatibility
Aquarius and Pisces make for an adventurous and passionate match in bed. Aquarius approaches intimacy in an experimental, unconventional manner, always looking to try new things. They want sex to engage their minds as much as their bodies. Pisces seeks an emotional, even spiritual connection through sex. They want to get lost in fantasy and creativity with their partner.
Though their perspectives differ, this can lead to excitement. Aquarius introduces novel ideas to the bedroom, intriguing dreamy Pisces. Pisces’ willingness to go with the flow and adapt appeals to quirky Aquarius. As long as they communicate their desires openly, they can achieve a fulfilling union.
Where They Excel Together in The Bedroom
- Roleplaying. Pisces loves escaping into fantasy worlds, making roleplay a natural fit. Their theatrical flair, combined with Aquarius’ inventiveness, makes for fun bedroom antics.
- Experimentation. Aquarius constantly pursues new experiences, especially sexually. Non-judgmental Pisces happily indulges their inventive side. They’re willing to try all of Aquarius’ offbeat ideas.
- Creativity. These two imaginative signs don’t shy away from thinking outside the box sexually. Their shared ingenuity leads to wonderfully weird and exciting encounters.
- Spontaneity. Aquarius’ impulsiveness means sex is always unexpected and thrilling with them. Easygoing Pisces enjoys going along for the wild ride.
- Open-mindedness. Few taboos or boundaries exist between these anything-goes lovers. Their sexual landscape is limited only by their combined eccentricities.
- Passion. While their approaches differ, the sex is passionate thanks to their powerful physical and emotional chemistry. When all cylinders are firing, the pleasure is otherworldly.
- Fun. Above all, an Aquarius and Pisces pair prioritize enjoying one another in bed. They follow whims, get silly, and lose themselves in the experience.
This adventurous couple shares a wonderfully weird and blissful sex life. Aquarius and Pisces can build incredible intimacy by communicating clearly and respecting their differences. Their vivid imaginations ensure there’s always something new on the erotic horizon.
Are Aquarius and Pisces Compatible?
This is a relationship that is very hard to get off the ground. In most cases, compatibility between these two is low, but not impossible.
They’ll learn quickly if this is a long-term relationship possibility as they begin dating. In most cases, there’s not very much interest past the initial attraction phase ( mentally and psychically), so without that, there’s very little love to develop from it.
The Aquarius can sometimes seem cold emotionally, but that’s usually because they have shut their heart off to the general public unless they fully trust the person they are with. The Pisces won’t like this, because they want someone who is very attentive to their emotions.
How Are Aquarius and Pisces in Love?
In the beginning, they will likely have a brief and somewhat unique romantic relationship, but it’s usually a temporary situation.
Even so, the relationship still has a chance. They need to sit down and talk about their differences.
In many cases, both parties don’t take the time to understand each other’s personalities. There is a great deal of miscommunication between them when this happens. This is what usually leads to the failure of the relationship.
Aquarius tend to be eccentric at times and have a tendency to distance themselves from things. Pisces is probably one of the most sentimental zodiac signs. They’re always on the lookout for a love that makes their heart skip a beat.
The Piscean usually have a large amount of emotional energy continuously radiating from them. It has been previously mentioned that they like to have a lot of attention in a relationship.
Aquarius who value independence are often overwhelmed by the emotional energy directed towards them. At times, they feel as though they can’t give the Pisces all the attention they need, or they feel as though it is too much for them to handle (as if they are being smothered).
For this relationship to succeed, they need to get to know each other’s personalities and work with them. To have a successful relationship, they must truly understand what makes their partner tick, and what they both need from each other.

Read More about how the signs are in love
Aquarius in love | Pisces in love
Aquarius Man and Pisces Woman
The Pisces women are introverts, they want to keep it to themselves and live a happy life with their partners. But the Aquarius men cannot keep to themselves at any point. They are friendly and joyous and very stubborn at times. They want to be hanging out with their friends and want to experience all the crazy stuff in life. The opposite of which the lady here likes to live. they need to work on things to make things trive.
How to Keep the Fire Burning
You’ll have to get used to his friends.
They’ll love your charming ways and your listening skills, and you’ll soon be a part of a circle he trusts completely. Once you do, he’ll stop feeling the need to prove that you’re wrong, as well as some of his other annoying behaviors, because friendship means more to him than anything. Add in a few surprise gifts (small, but meaningful things) every once and a while and you’ll have a happy water bearer on your hands along with an enjoyable, secure relationship.
Your abilities keep things interesting.
He is a great detective and will find out pretty quickly that he can gain a lot of information very quickly. Your intuitive/psychic abilities are strong that you’ll often inject something into the conversations that throw him for a loop. He needs this, but it will take him a little time to integrate these new bits of information into his equation.
Your charismatic abilities give you an edge.
You may have an advantage in this relationship because of your charismatic abilities as well. Most of the time you catch his eye, it makes him a little jumpy. This can make him question his own feelings, and start, ever so silently, to figure out how to avoid hurting you. This might seem difficult, but he is born under a fixed sign, and once he’s determined to do something, he will; this might be the courage you saw in him at the first meeting.
Pisces Man and Aquarius Woman
These men do tend to be wallflowers. There are times when they want to be alone and have a private life with just their lover. The Aquarius women are exactly the opposite in nature. They want to hang out with people and have fun. These two different people have difficulty in getting along but if both are very sincere, they might adjust. These women want to be free despite being in a relationship and the Pisces men want to keep their girlfriends to themselves. In relationships, these issues can lead to misunderstandings and difficulties.
How to Keep the Fire Burning
Hold the reigns very loosely, or not at all.
Pisces Men do not like arguments; they may use their superb listening skills and show every sign of having agreed, and then disappear. He is very concerned with his freedom and does not like to be pushed into anything, no matter who is doing the pushing. But he also desperately needs companionship and sees your friendly yet loving approach to him as a new kind of freedom.
Help Pisces recharge and renew his faith in himself.
He is very thoughtful and benevolent, but sometimes he has the tendency to give too much of himself to others. This makes him vulnerable to the wiles of those who live by taking advantage of others and can be the cause of his secrecy and his bad moods. Your spontaneity and unconventional nature have the ability to renew his faith in himself and recharge those batteries that have been drained by his mundane affairs.
Don’t make promises to each other.
Neither of you likes to make promises, so it’s best not to make promises to each other. For you, making a promise to your man would simply go against the grain, and he has developed ways of getting out of those kinds of commitments, and you want to break that habit, not encourage it.
Aquarius & Pisces Friendship
As a friendship develops, and as the days go by you will develop a friendship that will last. At the very beginning though you will be very wary and cautious of each other which with time will grow into a strong union.
For The Waterbearer:
They wrap your day in mystery, whip out Tarot cards and read your future or involve you in one of their personal dramas. They also see you as a source of guidance. Keep your boundaries clear and this is a fantastic friendship.
For The Fish:
You cherish your Aqua friend’s brilliant ideas and you understand them. That’s a wonderful thing for both of you. Just don’t expect them to be on the same topic tomorrow…or even in three minutes. Have your own individual lives and this friendship is a powerful one.
Pisces & Aquarius Relationship
For The Waterbearer:
Dreamy, romantic, ethereal, mystical, and sometimes way too serious. That sums up your Piscean partner. If you can avoid letting them cling you’ll learn a lot from each other.
For The Fish:
Both of you live in worlds that are way different than the worlds most of your friends live in. It’s a bonus that you have this kind of kinship. Just don’t be hurt by their ever-changing interests…and whatever you do..don’t try to keep up.
Read More about how the signs are in dating
Dating an Aquarius | Dating a Pisces

Read More about how the signs are when it comes to sex
Aquarius in bed | Pisces in bed
Are they soulmates?
can be soulmates sometimes
The Pisces are dreamers by nature, so they will always want to live in the fantasy world they create for themselves. Aquarius enjoys being social and making new friends. Sometimes, this relationship works out and sometimes it doesn’t. If, however, both partners’ astrological charts have planets such as Mars (desires) and Venus (love) in signs that complement each other, there is a chance of this union being successful.
Aquarius on paper atleast is well-matched with the clingy and emotionally deprived Pisces. You will both enjoy your time together and Aquarius will have a rare opportunity to be completely spoiled and taken care of by a totally devoted Pisces.
The only problem with this is that over time Aquarius may well begin to see this relationship as more of a friendship because the fish seem to have put a lot effort in to make this work well. Little does Aquarius know that if there is one thing Pisces demands in return it is love and complete devotion and that means putting Pisces at the very top of your list.
This is not always feasible with an Aquarian, so you will have to slowly adapt to each other’s needs for life outside of your relationship. Try to have lots of sex, as it will bring you much closer and for much of the time there is nowhere near enough physical affection between you.
Check out these other pages
Aquarius Compatibility Index | Pisces Compatibility Index| Zodiac Compatibility Index
I’m an Aquarian, and if the pisces man I’m in a relationship with, does not grow the hell up, stop whinining, being so needy he will drive me away, I dont like being the soul reason he wakes each morning, He does not Need me!
I so agree with You aqua. pisces men are so whiny and get upset so easily for the stupidest reasons, no matter what age they are, be it 19,24 or 30! but even though they are so annoyingly needy and dependant, throwing responsabilities at You hoping You will handle them on Your own, You cant deny that as soon as You look into their soulfull eyes You forget all the bad things.
It might be the mystery that the pisces men are known for that attracts aquarians, since we love enigmatic and unusual things.
Its the usual tale heard so many times, aquarius meets pisces, a fairytale story until the pisces starts to be needy and naggy at times driving the poor aquarius away fleeing fo his freedom! but it doenst always have to end this way.pisces can learn to give some space to independed aquarius, and aquarius can always try to be as emotional as pisces and understanding somehow.
Even though He doenst show it (or shows it too much!) the confused pisces needs You and would suffer if You leave him behind in one of the many predicaments he falls in occasionally.on the other hand You would be free at last, Its up To you and how much You are Into eachother at this point.
I really don’t know if its a favorable match! But it always facinated me.Hope its another happy ending
You need a goal in this love. Your Pisces loves you from his heart. Leave, but don’t break him! WE NEED MORE THAN JUST GOOD SEX! Sex gets used over time even as you explore more and more! If that is all a Pisces will leave you! Even a detached person will not match an AQUA. Aquas are not people to be known for long happiness! You need too many changes to be interested. Good luck to your challenging sign.
I’m an aquarius and I’ve always been attracted to pisces men I dunno first crush was one, ex was pisces and My current love is pisces too we’ve been togtaher for almost 2 years , and this article described us perfectly, from the stuborness part to the annoyance part to the lasting respect as well. But I desagree with the sexual part, we are both controlling and flexible to anything.
I find it hard to accept that a person can be so insecure in everyway, He constantly needs reasurance and caring, if I miss one thing he’ll go “You are never there for me” But the truth is that I am there only he pushes me away. is it common for a pisces to be selfish and spoild sometimes? I am scared he might be dependant on me forever ,and will find my self caring for yet another baby, not that it bothers me for now that I am deeply attached To him. this is most peculiar since aquarians usually are emotionally detached. Do you think I have other influences that might give me the emotional attachment and the attraction to romatic weak pisces?
Pisces and Aquarius have an interesting chemistry, respect, and admiration that can last forever if worked upon it. What I can suggest that you should check your man’s venus and your moon, venus and mars. If his venus is in water sign (i.e. pisces, cancer, and scorpio), then he may have some temper tantrums and if you have your venus in water sign, although being an aquarius, you can be emotional.
Being a pisces myself, I am also attracted to aquarius women or otherwise mutual. However, my venus is in aquarius which makes me detached and aloof in relationships. It is also the reason that somewhat weird, outworldly, unconventional, independent, and strage women (such are aquarians) are my choices. Although, pisces men like emotional sorts which is not my case.
The bottom line is check the detailed natal chart report of you and your man for a much clearer understanding about both of you. Hope it might work.