Leo Man – Sex, Traits, And His Personality

Leo Man (July 23 to August 23)
These guys often like their women to look good and not say too much. Pooey on that! But maybe that Leo guy you know (or that Leo guy that you are?!) isn’t that kind.
Leo’s like the outside, especially when it is sunny — it puts ’em in a good mood. Leo’s are extroverts and not in that phony way either, a genuine generous, outgoing, love-to-laugh kinda fella.
Romance is a way of life with this guy: he’s always either falling in love or falling out of love, but you can bet he’s always falling. His Achilles heel is most certainly his vanity.
He can sulk big-time and can be very jealous. Very jealous. To the point of rage. And then he’s charming again. So beware. Gosh, I was kinda mean to my friendly Leo male and female, I apologize, but. . .
His Personality
Those who pay close attention to Leo men specifically see him as someone who likes to be in the spotlight all the time. Someone who desires attention, especially from those he is attracted to romantically.
Truth be told, one of his best qualities is his loyalty. There will be no tolerance for lies, deceit, cheating, or any other kind of false promise.
He is highly respected, trustworthy, very faithful, and devoted when he makes a promise to someone. Whatever he promises, or whatever the cost to him, he will still follow through.
Sometimes the problem with this is that they expect the same thing in return from the people they are dealing with.
The Leo man is not without faults, however. They can be quite self-centered or selfish, and this can be common for most men born under this sign.
It means that he has a great deal of love for himself, and is usually in need of others’ attention and approval.
He loves to receive compliments and prefers to be the center of attention no matter what situation he finds himself in.
Having a highly energetic and impulsive personality, he is always on the move no matter what, seeking out new adventures and experiencing new experiences at every turn.
If he feels like his life is becoming monotonous or boring, he will always find a way to make things more interesting for him or to change things in his life.
Those who prefer a more relaxed lifestyle where the dynamic doesn’t change too often but still want to live with him might find this frightening.
The most important thing to know about a Leo man is that he is extremely self-assured and proud. He rarely apologizes or admits to making a mistake.
He usually gets his back up and insists he is right about whatever he does or says when confronted. It may be possible to soften up his personality if you become very important to him.
However, anyone who confronts him or attempts to hit him head-on will come face-to-face with his pride.
Leo Man Good Traits
- he is brave and very determined ( will defend his ideals)
- great at problem-solving will be one of the first to step up to help solve it
- Will know how to put you in a place you deserve to be in his life
- Loves to feel needed and wanted
- Is super fun, loves to be social and party! woot!
- Dinner out or movies at home, this is your guy
- These men tend to be beautiful to look at and those that aren’t will roar to be noticed!
Leo Man Bad Traits
- Can be somewhat stubborn
- Comes off as vain and egocentric ( bad) but as you chip away at him you will see he is super affectionate, generous, and very attentive.
- Requires a lot of attention from his partner
- They tend to know about everything and love to sound off bout it.
Leo Man in Love
He’s powerful, he’s intense, and he’s Passion personified. That’s exactly how he is when he’s in love with somebody.
He needs to remain in a relationship that always stays hot. He does everything in his power to stay away from relationships that don’t bring the heat.
When he falls in love with someone, it takes a lot to pull him away from that person. He would spend every waking moment with his lover if he had his way.
They enjoy spending time with those they’re interested in or in love with, and they take great pleasure in making their partner feel special.
They make great partners because they know how to treat their loved ones well and always put their needs first.
Even though they have a very fiery nature and a sexual side that is hard to match. These guys do have the ability to be adorable.
They love showing affection, whether it’s in the privacy of their own home or snuggling with their loved ones.
Or even walking down the beach hand-in-hand as they show their partner off to the world.
They love being able to whisper sweet nothings, caress and give their partners sweet kisses. Yes, they’re passionate! Yes, they’re romantic!
This guy is definitely the one if you like a partner who freely displays their feelings for you in front of others. There is nothing more satisfying than having a partner who can express their feelings the same way they do.
It all comes back to passion! It’s what he craves, it’s what drives him to be happy in a loving relationship.
His goal is to keep things exciting, no matter how long they’ve been together. It’s almost as if he does everything to impress his lover with his affectionate, loving side.
That might be one of the best things ever! When a man feels that passion inside his heart, he doesn’t let that flame go out. It’s almost like the Terminator of love! he will always be back!
Leo Boyfriend
This guy is the meaning of devotion. When he’s dealing with someone, he’s 100% devoted to his partner! To the point that he gives his girlfriend the best of him.
These guys are very protective of those they love. It’s a piece of cake for them to show lots of love and affection. They do whatever they can to be as sweet as possible.
They love to use their imaginations and creativity to surprise their partners with every bit of passion and romance in their hearts. They’re always looking for new ways to amaze their girlfriends.
In return for that, they expect to feel the same amount of love that they give out to their girlfriend. A person who shows them the same amount of affection and love.
They need to feel as though they are appreciated and very respected. It’s important to them that you love them, and you are grateful for their contribution to your life. They need to be able to see that physically.
They need these things to keep worry and fear at bay. They won’t feel any negative feelings if they feel appreciated by their girlfriend just as much as they value her.
However, you might never know that they have these concerns and fears. Because they do their best to keep this secret because they don’t want to reveal that they’re slipping.
Leo men make great boyfriends because they are passionate, energetic and always up for a good time. They know how to have fun and are always looking for new adventures.
They are also very romantic, often spoiling their partners with flowers, chocolates and thoughtful gifts.
If you’re looking for a man who will sweep you off your feet and make you feel loved and cherished, then this man is definitely the right choice!
How To Get A Leo Man’s Attention
What to focus on:
- Is the type of guy that feels that he can conquer anything that he puts his mind to. The best thing to do is keep the mystery alive with this man. Keep this man’s intrigued by making your feelings the mystery that he has to solve.
- He is the type of guy that you’ll be able to read like a book. You won’t have to pry too hard to get answers with him. He usually is quite open and honest about his feelings.
- Treat this man as your king, and in return, he’ll treat you like the queen that you are. This guy is truly The Lion King.
- Be ready to let loose and party at times. He loves to have fun and enjoy life. If he sees you doing the same thing he’ll love it even more.
- Something that you will truly have to get used to is that this man will usually have a lot of women around him. So if you have a penchant for jealousy, you really need to work on that.
- This is a man that loves to have the attention all on him. He will not always be surrounded by just his friends but he also has fans of his around too. Join in on the fun as well, but just don’t be like a person that carries his bags. You want him to look at you as the girl that he desires not as a groupie.
What Not To Do:
- Make sure that you do not show that you have a jealous bone in your body. Like mentioned before he will have a lot of women around him, but also remember that he will treat you like his queen.
- The Lion King himself does whatever he wants, you can not challenge his dominant side. If you do you might end up hurting his pride.
- He will be honest with you if there’s something about you that is a habit that he doesn’t like. When he tells you, do your best not to argue about it with him. If it’s something that you can change then by all means do that ( if you want to ). If it’s something that you’re not willing to change, then pick your battles wisely.
- He does tend to brag about himself or his achievements a lot. You might start to notice that some of it he exaggerated a bit on. The best thing you can do is just bite your tongue a little bit, don’t laugh at him when he’s doing that. Just giggle about it in your own mind.
Click here for more about Leo In Relationships
Dating a Leo man
How to approach him for the first time
this is a guy that loves attention, so go out of your way to give that to him. One way to get him to notice you is to start throwing compliments at him.
This is something that he absolutely loves to hear, and it will open up his heart and mind to the idea of being with you.
Don’t be too shy towards this gentleman, as he likes a person that has some character behind her. A woman that is very much aware of her own personal strengths.
If this guy is interested in you, then It won’t be too long until you know that for a fact. His interest will drive him to ask you out on a date.
So you got your first date
Now being Leo the Lion, this guy is all man. He likes to play that part to a T.
The best thing you can do in this situation is let him be the one that plans the date out from beginning to end.
He enjoys going places where you both can stand out in the crowd. He likes the idea of being able to show you off a little bit.
As to his personality in this situation, it can go two different ways.
He could be the type of guy that is conservative and prefers to come across as more dignified, or he could be more of a flamboyant type and he will dress according to that style as well.
If he’s flamboyant it might come out more so in the way he entertains you than his style. He’s a guy that loves to impress.
He likes his date to dress elegantly.
Sexually speaking this is a guy that indeed loves pleasure.
If you get his mind going you will definitely find yourself being invited back to his Lion’s Den for an evening of passion and fun. This guy does have quite an insatiable appetite for sex.
If that is not your goal on the first date ( which there is nothing wrong with) you may want to slow it down a little bit and let him try and impress you more.
So you want to get out of a date with a Leo man
- Embarrass him in public
- While he’s talking interrupt him as much as you possibly can
- go out of your way to point out all of his faults
- talk over him
Erogenous zones
his zones are the Spine and the back. Mixing some light scratching, and slowly run your fingers up and down his spine.
Sex With A Leo Man
Leos are all lights, cameras, and action and in the boudoir, they are creative showmen. Everywhere is a stage for Leo and he will love it if you play your role with gusto.
Don’t be shy with a Leo who loves the attention and plenty of compliments, please. Always remember that Leos have star power.
But they care a great deal about their supporting lady’s pleasure so don’t hold back or fear dressing the part and giving your best performance.
Turn Ons: Flattery. Your big ego is always hungry for fresh meat, so if a woman praises, pampers, supports, and idolizes you, you fall for it. If she’s a knockout, you’re even more delighted to have her by your side. As long as this gem doesn’t stray or argue with you, she’s as good as gold.
Turn Offs: Competition. You hate being overshadowed, so a woman who’s a bit too independent and successful is a very bad match. Likewise, if a mate calls you on your domineering ways, it will surely provoke your roaring temper.
Click here for more about Leo Sex