Aries Man – Sex, Traits, And His Personality

Aries Man (March 21 to April 20)
Oh, he is a jealous one! But that comes with some awful attractive territory, namely his aggressive, energetic swashbuckling side. He makes things happen, a real go-getter.
He can be generous one moment and stingy the next, which drives everyone crazy. He exudes sex. Back to that jealousy- he isn’t the most faithful man of the zodiac, so don’t expect the same kind of loyalty he expects from you.
This man is so impressed with himself that he is likely to believe any flattery folks shine his way is a big ol’ understatement.
He is looking for a mother figure, even though it is not likely he’ll admit to it. Aries men tend to be very clever. Personally, I say they are to be feared. But that is my humble opinion.
His Personality
There’s no denying that Aries men have one of the most charismatic and powerful personalities of all the zodiac signs.
This guy is confident, bold, and doesn’t second guess himself. Because of that, they’re sometimes seen as reckless or irresponsible. They tend to dive in without thinking about what they’ll do later.
As a result of these traits, these men are often seen as impulsive and unable to grasp the full impact of their actions. The more they do this, the harder it is for them to relate to others and the more hurt they can cause others.
Their impulsive nature and unplanned lifestyle mean they’re usually pretty straightforward about how they feel. They don’t do games, especially mind games. Additionally, they’re known for giving sincere compliments since they’d want the same in return.
More often than not, he’s telling the truth about whatever he says.
Due to his self-confidence, he has an assertive personality. He tends to think he’s always right (most of the time), which can make people riled up. People start to feel like he’s controlling them or dictating to them.
He often doesn’t want to deal with the stress that relationships can bring. ‘If he were in charge,’ he’d live a more independent life. When it comes to life, he just gets a little impatient with people who don’t understand how he thinks and acts.
Aries Man Good Traits
- This man likes to be the first, the last your everything
- He is all impulsive and has a zest for life.
- Is one of the most fun and spontaneous of all the zodiac signs
- Full of confidence!
- He is ambitious and in a hurry
- Passionate
- Intelligent
- Not everyone can keep pace with him, due to him being full of energy.
- Loves making his partner’s life a happy one.
- may seem very intense at times, shows lots of ambition
- Can be mushy and sentimental
Aries Man Bad Traits
- Super honest ( Good), but that can work against him as he can be very hurtful at times (bad)
- You will need to come up with something to sustain his interest, think of him as a puppy, he needs training and a few smacks on the nose but can respond well with the right partner.
- He is inclined to put his foot in it and being diplomatic is not his strong point, so be prepared to play it his way for a while
Aries Man in Love
The Aries guy is a pursuer. He loves the conquest and doesn’t like anyone chasing after him – but he sure likes to win over whoever he’s after!
This guy is very confident and strong-willed. And he has a competitive side that other guys unmatch. The moment he’s able to win the woman he’s after, he’s ecstatic. He gets fired up when he can accomplish this while beating out other guys for her affection.
The whirlwind romance and passionate intensity they display captivate and sweep their partner off their feet. They are all about feeling alive and without consequences regarding love. They don’t worry about tomorrow or what could happen – they just go for it!
In a relationship with someone who wants as much control as he does and has a dominant personality, things aren’t going to work out as well as they would like. As their personalities collide, there would be plenty of clashes between them.
A person who has the same personality as they do will trigger their competitive instincts. There is nothing wrong with competition in a relationship. However, when it’s a battle to see who controls the relationship, that causes issues that can be irreparable.
The frustration and impatience of this man can also be a problem. There might not be a lot of opportunity or interest on his part in talking about the relationship.
This becomes particularly challenging if they need to talk about their problems together as a couple. Even worse, if their partner is more sensitive, they can easily be hurt by their blunt attitude and overly honest nature.
He needs to feel like he is the most valuable person in your life if you want him to stay by your side. He needs to know that you are the one who can ignite his passion.
Even though a bit of competition can motivate him or fuel his passions, it should be noted that too much competition might turn him off. Driving him away would be the biggest travesty in the world!
What Kind of Boyfriend Is an Aries Man?
When he’s dating someone, he’s pretty comfortable in a relationship. Whenever he is with someone, he easily expresses what he feels. Especially if he loves that person. They are known to be open and honest about their feelings.
The way they express their feelings to their partners is usually very straightforward.
Even though they generally have good intentions, they rarely consider the impact or implication that their actions may have on their partner.
He prefers to be in a very positive and fulfilling relationship whenever possible. It’s one that’s filled with a lot of laughs and enjoyable times.
His relationships tend to be filled with romantic moments and passionate situations.
If a partner is similarly minded, they feel totally in sync. This means they have the same attitude that they do, and they are just as driven and determined in life.
There are many reasons why He would make an excellent boyfriend. They are passionate and exciting, always keeping things interesting.
They have strong self-confidence and aren’t afraid to take risks, leading to thrilling adventures.
Additionally, they’re typically very independent people who don’t need a lot of hand-holding; this can be refreshing for someone who’s grown tired of clingy partners.
Lastly, they tend to be generous with their time and affection, making them great companions.
How To Get An Aries Man’s Attention
What to focus on:
- Do your best not to be too flirty with people of the opposite sex, as this guy truly is jealous when it comes to other men coming close to their women.
- Find something this guy can help you with, as he likes to help people out as much as he can. He is very sympathetic and loyal and will be helpful through whatever you’re dealing with.
- He’s looking for the type of woman that can adapt to his way of life.
- Let him be the one that arranges different outings and events for you both. He is a man that likes to be in control.
- He does have the ability to jump to conclusions and be judgmental towards other people. Sometimes he does things without thinking of his actions’ consequences, so try to steer him away from that.
- If you can sweet-talk this man, he is pretty much willing to be up for anything you want. He is known to have a very warm personality. He likes to care as much as he likes to share.
What Not to do:
- He always wants to see you as your true self. So don’t play games with him or other people in front of him. His interest in you would wane if he saw you play games.
- Unless he asks for your advice, don’t suggest how he should do things. That doesn’t mean you have to be a pushover, though.
- Whatever you do, do not criticize this man in front of other people. Not only will he be embarrassed that you did so, but he will also hold it close to his heart that you did.
- If he wants things to be done his way, let that be how things are done. The good thing though is that if you do that, he will ensure that your heart is well taken care of.
- Don’t be possessive towards him or jealous in front of him. Remember, this guy loves to be in control of the situation at all times. Use your ability to sweet-talk him to get what you want from him.
Click here for more about Aries In Relationships
Dating an Aries man
How to approach him for the first time
If you want to be able to approach this man, you need to show vitality and a lot of energy. A smile will go a long way, and showing happiness will catch his eye.
You could let him be the one that asks you out for the first time, but if you are inclined to ask him out, he will become very flattered by you.
He will view you as a person that knows exactly what she wants. that in its own right will catch his eye.
If, for some unknown reason, he turns you down for a date, just move on and brush the experience right off your shoulder. Make sure you smile at him as you do.
He won’t scoff at you for the attempt at asking him out, he will admire your positive attitude and have a lot of respect for your honest reaction.
Know this, though, if he ever has a change of heart when dating you. You will be the first to know always.
So you got your first date
Adventure is the keyword when it comes to dating this man. You have to keep this guy active as they will get bored over anything that involves sitting for a long time. If they have to do that for a long time, they will leave the situation either with you or without you.
This isn’t the type of man who will expect or want you to agree with everything he says or talks about. You should expect a fiery discussion over topics you don’t agree on. He loves to have great conversations on all types of topics.
If your character strengths can go toe-to-toe with him, he will be very intrigued by you. He’s not looking for a pushover by any means, but at the same time, he’s not looking for somebody that can dominate him.
His secret desire is to have somebody that can argue with him every once in a while while keeping things balanced out emotionally. He loves that fiery debate, as mentioned before, but prefers that everything will return to normal afterward.
Sexually speaking, he is the type of guy that prefers having some instant gratification immediately. He’s got this eternal fire that burns inside of them that he needs to take care of.
If this isn’t the way you work ( there’s nothing wrong with that ), then make your intentions known that you are currently not ready for intimacy until you feel the time is right. This will let him know your view on the matter before the situation gets to that point.
So you want to get out of a date with an Aries man
- one of the best ways to do it is to start bossing him around.
- Start nagging at him about even the smallest of things.
- Discuss some of the most depressing topics you can think of
- finish off every one of his sentences
Erogenous zones
this is a man that’s all about the lips. He loves to nibble on them, rub them with his lips, and he loves to kiss them. Other zones to focus on are the forehead and the scalp.
Sex With An Aries Man
He is in charge outside or inside the bedroom but loves team sports. Sitting on the sidelines just isn’t going to fly with this guy. He wants a power partner, so don’t fail to show him you are a woman with lustful confidence.
These high achievers always have one eye on the goal line, so don’t play coy with extended foreplay or chit-chat. Despite their bigger-than-life egos, He will crumble in the sack if you criticize him even constructively.
Turn Ons: You’re immediately smitten by someone who is both adventurous and soft-spoken. A damsel in distress brings out your protective side, and a lady who is taken allows you to compete for — and most likely win — her affection. (If her mate’s your buddy or rival, you’re doubly interested.)
Turn Offs: Teases. While you love the chase, you become confused if you feel you’re being manipulated and lose faith in your otherwise trusty instincts. And if you’re rushed into a commitment that threatens your independence, you’re gone, pronto.
Click here for more about Aries Sex.