Capricorn Man – Sex, Attraction, And His Personality

Capricorn Man (December 22 to January 20)
Oh, I know all too well about these guys. Okay, they are like animals first of all. I am talking sexually, of course, but aside from that, well, roller-coaster city: one minute they think you are brilliant and the next well, aloof is too mild a word.
They aren’t really into parties but when at them, they can command a nice little attentive group to listen to them. He is always scared you don’t like him, that his friends aren’t really going to be there if he has problems and needs them. He is scared to need.
For a person to attract this man’s attention, thankfully, they need to be goal-oriented and worker-bees. This boy has secret fires burning inside him, the kind that is highly emotional. Ahh, and they are soooo sensual. . . .
His Personality
Capricorns are known for their drive and determination to achieve everything that they want in life.
In the years leading up to their early twenties, they can be demanding and assertive, but as they become mellower and more mature, they can learn to relax and ease up somewhat.
If you’re in search of a man who takes his life seriously and is responsible, then you’ll find it in a Capricorn.
It’s obvious he’s a grounded person who takes every relationship seriously, is always true to his word, and respects others.
His attitude has a downside that can be witnessed in how he interacts with others. When he’s around others, he’s less playful and affectionate, but still caring.
He is a man of discipline and structure. This manifests itself in many ways throughout his everyday life. Relationships that are confusing and unclear are not his cup of tea.
He dislikes chaotic and unorganized environments.
He hates it when people that he’s in a relationship with show a lack of dedication or commitment.
While he expects structure and discipline from his own life, he also expects them from his partner in a relationship.
Because of these attributes, he can tend to be a bit aggressive and authoritative, often wanting to be heard above all others.
You will often find these men living on their own, or working in a way where they are alone. Unless they can find someone who has similar traits that they can gel with.
He might be the most reserved and private of all the signs. This does not pertain only to his business lifestyle, but to everything he does in his life.
His professional goal is to become very successful. If he wants to get into a long-term committed relationship, he looks for someone who is already past the dating phase and is thinking about the future.
There are times when he will only leave his home if he has a good enough reason. Be the reason he goes out more often!
Capricorn Man Good Traits
- has a noble and warm heart
- A serious man by nature, but never boring
- Stable and a hard worker, a man that’s very disciplined.
- Protective over the ones he truly loves, making him a hot item for a long-term relationship.
- When he falls in love, he’s faithful and extremely passionate
- Loves to make people laugh, it’s another story if his sense of humor is good or lame.
Capricorn Man Bad Traits
- calm outward appearance, not so much the same on the inside.
- He is terrified of failure
- Can be somewhat childish
- Not the most romantic man of the signs
Capricorn Man in Love
This is a guy that likes to take his relationships very seriously. Especially when it comes to being in a relationship with somebody with whom he is beginning to fall in love.
He almost goes through an interview phase when he first gets to know someone.
Is this person very serious about having a relationship with him? Are they able to give him what he’s looking for? Is this person going to shy away from something serious now or in the future?
His main goal is to not get into a situation where he wastes his time. Casual dating to him is something that he doesn’t want to put too much effort into.
He doesn’t want to have a situation where he’s dating a few women simultaneously and making a decision that way. He wants something genuine from the get-go.
Anybody that’s looking for a one-night stand or just sex, in general, can just keep walking!
He is not considered a very affectionate type of guy. So you might not hear him whispering sweet nothings in your ear. Or if you’re out in public, more than likely he won’t walk behind you and give you a giant hug.
He prefers to show affection in private, so public displays of affection don’t usually happen.
But that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t show that he loves somebody when he’s with them. He shows this by making sure that they know that they’re taken care of.
He goes out of his way to do whatever it takes to make them feel at peace, comforted, and definitely well-loved.
He does whatever it takes to give his partner the Comfort level that they need in the relationship and life. In general, he just loves taking care of the person that he’s with!
In his relationships, he likes things to go the way that he goes about his daily life. He likes things to be focused, organized, and very structured.
The opposite of this is very chaotic to him. He would have a hard time getting into a relationship with somebody that is living a more disorganized lifestyle.
Since that would Clash with his personality and the lifestyle that he chooses to live, it would make it very difficult for that partner and him to live together or coexist in the same living space.
So he needs to be with a like-minded person!
This guy is the perfect guy to get with if you’re looking to develop something serious.
If you’re looking for a partner that’s willing to put the effort needed to create a solid foundation underneath both you and your relationship.
He may not be the most affectionate, but he definitely knows how to show that he cares!
Capricorn Boyfriend
When he is in a relationship, he can be somewhat demanding and picky. He can also be hard to handle at times. He’s looking for his partner in crime.
Someone who understands his desire to keep things the same. Change is not his thing!
Even though that is the case, he doesn’t allow romance to disappear from the relationship. Despite not being considered one of the most romantic signs.
He can show a lot of passion when he falls in love. His girl can trust him and he will be faithful to her.
He will definitely still be showing lots of love and affection. Showing that he cares and showing his girlfriend the attention that she deserves.
It becomes apparent to anyone who becomes interested in him that he is very private but also very affectionate.
Taking care of those he loves is one of the most important aspects of his character. No matter what the cost may be, he always puts their safety and well-being first.
As a result, he is an incredibly loyal and devoted partner, someone who can be relied upon in times of need.
How To Get A Capricorn Man’s Attention
What to focus on:
- He is practical and efficient. So he’s able to manage his money really well. Show him that you have the same ability to manage your finances. If you don’t have the same ability then try to learn.
- When it comes to love he is a true believer in actions speaking louder than words. So if love is starting to creep into your heart for this man, it’s important for you to show him. When he sees that you do truly love him, it will be much easier for him to utter the words I love you back.
- Some Capricorn men deal with self-confidence issues. The best thing that you could be for him is to be his head cheerleader. Show him that you totally believe in him and his dreams. Give him that confidence that he lacks.
- He likes the pursuit of a woman. So let him enjoy the chase a little bit before you reel him in.
- He is truly big on the importance of family. So if things start getting intense between the two of you integrate him into your family lifestyle. It is guaranteed that even if he hasn’t already introduced you to his family, you sure will be getting that invite quite quickly.
- This man almost lives by a routine. He is very methodical in the organization of his life. Show him that you too can schedule your daily activities as well.
What Not To Do:
- If you’re considering a relationship with this man try to understand that things are going to move a little bit slowly. He will want to have a career and financial stability before he makes his way to the marriage altar.
- If you’re thinking about changing this man’s lifestyle, think again. He doesn’t like to change things that he is comfortable with.
- Don’t act unpredictably around this man. Show that you have a cool calm way about yourself. Always practice self-control. Acting erratically around him will only push him away.
- This is not the type of guy that will succumb to flattery. So don’t try that as a way to get your way.
How to Attract a Capricorn Man
How to Attract a Capricorn man. For the perfect, whimsical, and socially attractive man, a Capricorn man is the perfect guy for you. Capricorn men are easy to attract if you focus on their ambition and keep social.
If you want to be a wallflower, you will probably bore the Capricorn man.
They love to climb the social ladder and keep lots of friends.
Attract a Capricorn man by being social and inviting his friends over for fun and entertainment. If you want to keep the attention of a Capricorn man, show him that you are responsible and have a good, secure job.
Show him that you love to have friends, but when the time is right you have a good head on your shoulders.
Capricorn men are the successful businessmen of all the zodiac signs. They will work long, hard hours to achieve goals and become a success.
Make sure you are supportive of this man and don’t nag him for time if he is busy with work.
Provide him with support and encouragement, and the Capricorn man will surely stay interested and fall for you.
Show support for his ideas and dreams by giving him a massage to remove the stress from his busy day.
He can be suspicious, so you will need to attract them by showing them that you can be trusted.
These men have a lot of stress and build wealth quickly, so a Capricorn man can become suspicious of your love.
Don’t criticize him, but rather support him and show the Capricorn man that you are behind him no matter what happens.
In your quest on how to attract him, if you can show your Capricorn man that you are social and loving and trustworthy, he will become yours for a lifetime.
As long as you are able to enjoy each other, your relationship will be well worth the effort to attract a Capricorn man.
Click here for more about Capricorn In Relationships
Dating a Capricorn man
How to approach him for the first time
this is a guy that is as conservative as you can get. So it’s very important that you come at him in a conservative way.
His interest in women usually is piqued by somebody that has a gentle demeanor, is dignified, and shows a high level of sincerity.
If you come at him abrasively you won’t stand a chance. If you’re the type to be flighty in a relationship, then you won’t stand a chance.
Even though he does have a really cool reserved feel to him, he does show a lot of warm passion and a lot of sensuality.
These are character traits of his that will eventually show their head. It does take a little time for him to feel comfortable enough to show that though.
He really would love to have a companion that can help him take the weight of the world off his shoulders, and show him what it’s like to relax for once.
He does have a need to be in control though sometimes. He doesn’t like to project that he does show a quality of neediness.
In regards to that, if he’s interested in you, he is going to ask you out.
So you got your first date
Now that you got your first date with him it’s important that you let him be the one that decides what you guys end up doing that night.
He’s not very comfortable when it comes to letting somebody else choose what activity is done because he likes to be able to control the pace.
What is important to him is that he follows what he considers the rituals of courting a woman. This is a guy that has a plan.
If you’re the type of woman that is a rebel or show a lot of Independence ( which there’s nothing wrong with) he won’t be too enthralled with this type of lady.
It’s not that he has any problem with a woman of this nature, as he does admire women that are strong.
He just finds that being in a situation where he is not the strongest one puts him in an uncomfortable position.
A woman that has a lot of respect for herself and shows that she has solid values will go a long way with this guy.
As he starts to feel comfortable with you, you’ll see a more passionate side start to surface. Just know that this passion is not for show and truly take your time with it.
Take it at face value. As he discovers that he can really feel safe in your arms, He will start to open up his heart more.
So you want to get out of a date with a Capricorn man
- be very impractical in everything that you do
- demand that from this moment on you take charge of everything that goes on
- start to contradict yourself
- become very evasive when he asks you questions
- just start to act really nuts
- embarrass him every opportunity you have
- talk loudly even if you’re in a library
Erogenous zones
his zones are Inside the upper part of his thigh and the back of his knees. This is an area where you should focus on stroking and soft massaging.
Sex With A Capricorn Man
Capricorns are so grown up, dependable and serious so you are going to be shocked by this wild man in your bed. Capricorns are surprisingly lustful lovers in private.
In fact, they love love and just can’t get enough of all that kissing and touching.
A Capricorn can truly make love all night but don’t start early.
This sign abhors open displays of affection. If you want to connect with this man between the sheets be independent and dignified in public and red hot in private.
Turn Ons: A younger woman. You always feel protective toward the one you love, and if she can loosen you up and help you take life a little less seriously, you’ll be glad to demonstrate your appreciation. If a lover can read and appreciate your subtle signals of love, she’ll save you tons of embarrassment.
Turn Offs: Gold diggers. While your lover should never want for anything materially, you can tell when someone doesn’t respect how hard you work for your money. Your woman needs to be satisfied with the simple things in life to earn your trust and share your bed.
Click here for more about Capricorn Sex