Aquarius and Cancer Compatibility: Sex, Love, and Friendship
Key Takeaways:
Cancer and Aquarius have the potential to teach each other valuable lessons. Cancer can accept Aquarius’ need for space. Aquarius must try to connect with Cancer’s heart. Then, this odd pair might find a good balance.
Compatibility: Low (needs a lot of work put in for success)
Read on to learn how you can make things go smoother

Cancer and Aquarius Compatibility
Cancer and Aquarius together are like water and air – they’re essential for life, but mixing them can be tricky! Cancer is a water sign, ruled by the moon, which means they’re all about emotions, home, and nurturing connections. Aquarius is an air sign ruled by Uranus, known for independence, intellect, and a quirky view of the world. This combo can be both fascinating and challenging.
Imagine a gentle, sensitive crab. It’s trying to understand a quirky, freedom-loving water bearer. They might not “get” each other fully, but there’s a potential for something interesting here. Cancer brings warmth and empathy. Aquarius craves these secretly. Aquarius offers a unique perspective that excites Cancer.
Core Strengths
- Complementary Skills: Cancer is the heart of the relationship, making it cozy and emotionally secure. Aquarius is the brain, bringing fresh ideas and a wider perspective
- Humanitarian Spirit: Both signs care about making the world a better place, though they might approach it differently. They can make a powerful team when it comes to causes close to their hearts.
- Expanding Horizons Cancer can help Aquarius connect with their emotions. Aquarius helps Cancer try new things by stepping out of their comfort zone.
- Unexpected Delights This pairing might discover surprising common interests or share a love of an offbeat hobby. They won’t be bored with each other!
- Sense of Loyalty: Cancer is nurturing. Aquarius is loyal once someone breaks through their independent shell.
Potential Challenges
- Emotional Disconnect Aquarius can seem cold and detached compared to deeply feeling Cancer. Cancer needs open emotional expression, while Aquarius prefers to intellectualize their feelings.
- Homebody vs. Wanderer: Cancer loves cozy nests and close bonds. Aquarius needs space to roam and may prioritize socializing with a wide circle.
- Different Paces: Aquarius moves fast, leaping from idea to idea, while Cancer takes their time to process things. Aquarius needs to practice patience, and Cancer needs to learn to go with the flow sometimes.
- Unpredictability: Uranus, Aquarius’ ruler, is the planet of surprises. Their offbeat ideas and spontaneous changes of plans can be unsettling to security-loving Cancer.
- Stubborn in Different Ways: Cancer holds on for emotional reasons, while Aquarius can be stubbornly logical. Finding a middle ground during disagreements might take a lot of compromises.
Cancer and Aquarius Compatibility Percentage
Relationship Aspects | Compatibility Percentage |
Romantic Connection | 1% |
Trust | 34% |
Communication and Understanding | 56% |
Expressing Feelings | 49% |
Shared Beliefs and Values | 9% |
Doing Things Together | 24% |
Overall Relationship | 32% |
Cancer and Aquarius In Bed
Cancer and Aquarius make an intriguing match in bed. Cancer values emotional intimacy and wants sex to be an expression of deep love. Aquarius sees sex more as an intellectual exploration and creative experiment.
At first, this mismatch may cause friction. Cancer may find Aquarius too detached and aloof, while Aquarius sees Cancer as sentimental. However, if the two make an effort to understand each other’s perspectives, they can bridge their differences.
Cancer can show Aquarius that emotional openness leads to deeper physical pleasure. Aquarius can also get Cancer out of their shell and encourage them to try new things. With compromise, these signs discover they have more to offer one another than they first realized.
Where They Excel Together in The Bedroom
- Communication. Once these signs openly share their desires, the conversation gets them in the mood. Cancer reveals their romantic fantasies, while Aquarius describes their latest sexy experiment. This verbal foreplay turns them both on.
- Creativity. Aquarius loves to improvise and gets imaginative between the sheets. Cancer contributes to emotional depth and sensuality. Together, they cook up exciting roleplaying scenes or naughty games to play.
- Taking Turns Leading. Aquarius initiates new techniques while Cancer sets the pace and tone. Switching roles gives each sign a chance to shine at what they do best. And being “in charge” is a turn on.
- Humor. Sex can get awkward sometimes, no matter who you’re with. But Cancer and Aquarius don’t take themselves too seriously in the bedroom. They crack jokes, laugh at mishaps, and keep things lighthearted.
- Intimacy. For Cancer, physical intimacy leads to emotional closeness. Aquarius discovers that opening up makes sex more enjoyable. The combination of laughter and vulnerability makes their time in bed feel special.
- Experimentation. Aquarius coaxes Cancer to venture outside their comfort zone and try things they consider taboo. Cancer finds that Aquarius’ adventurousness is contagious. The thrill of experimenting together makes their chemistry explosive.
- Snuggling. While Aquarius needs some personal space, Cancer loves affectionate cuddling. Aquarius humors Cancer’s need to spoon because the warmth and skin contact feel soothing after intense sex. Slowing down to snuggle is the perfect finale.
Are Cancer and Aquarius Compatible?
In most cases, when these two get together, they often make it to the dating phase and go no further. The compatibility between the two of them is considered low. Still, you have to realize that this is not a relationship that is truly impossible to make happen.
Right here, you’re dealing with two very stubborn and persistent signs. So if they want to make a relationship work, they can do that. The important thing is that they really need to take a chance on each other and get to know each other.
Even if there are differences between them, if they work together and put a lot of passion into the relationship, they may be able to iron out many differences.
How Are Aquarius and Cancer in Love?
This is a relationship where it seems like it’s two sides of a coin. On one side, you have Cancers that are pretty conservative and relatively fixed in their ways; they’re more of the homebody type. On the other side, the Aquarius like independence, and even in a relationship, they like to feel a little liberated at the same time.
This, in reality, can cause some issues between the two of them because the Aquarian might feel restricted in a relationship with this partner. On the other side of things, cancer might feel unstable with their partner. Both of these things can be a recipe for disaster.
The other thing to remember is that crabs love to have a lot of continuous attention on them and, at times, can be very demanding in a relationship. This is because they always want to feel like they are loved. In the eyes of the Aquarian, this can reduce the freedom they’re looking for, which might scare them off. That doesn’t mean they are looking for freedom to go out and be with anyone else; they just want some alone time.
As with all relationships, you have to look at the positive sides. Right here, we have two signs that are very faithful and loyal to each other and are both quite determined and stubborn to make things work if they want to.
By all accounts, this relationship, at its very nature, does not usually work out. But if there is excellent communication between them, the drive and a will to succeed, and most importantly, the love, then anything is possible for these two.

Read More about how the signs are in love
Cancer in love | Aquarius in love
Aquarius Man and Cancer Woman
There is never an easy way for a Cancer woman and Aquarius Man to get along since one is Air and the other is Water. It is still possible for both of them to benefit from their mutual attraction. On the outside, he is calm, but on the inside, he is filled with a zest for life. He loves freedom and will not allow anyone to ban his or others’ independence. Although this is a good thing for her, it can sometimes conflict with her aspect of being possessive at times. A long-term relationship requires a lot of sacrifices and commitment from both, like a mother who sacrifices a lot for her child.
How to Be Successful in This Relationship
Encourage and help him find new adventures.
Most Aquarians who hold down regular jobs and do regular things lean more to the Saturn side of their dual planetary rulership, and they tend to feel like they’re stuck in a rut. It’s not easy to help him out of it, but if you encourage him to try something new in an affectionate way, he may break through that barrier and find a new jumping-off point for his experiments and adventures, and if you’re lucky, he’ll ask you to come along.
Be prepared for constant change.
These women have a tendency to “mother” their men; always coming up with their favorite treats, treating them with wisdom and compassion, and supporting their efforts to direct the course of their future. These guys tend to change their favorite treat suddenly and do not know what direction they want to go in. You’ll have to be very flexible to see to his needs because they might change at any moment.
Don’t depend on him 100% of the time.
He can be undependable. He will support you every step of the way if he cares about you, and do whatever he can to make you happy, but because of his often surprising or unconventional behavior, will often come up with results that are very different from what you might expect.
Cancer Man and Aquarius Woman
His lack of outgoingness is an issue for her. Aquarius women possess the opposite quality. The cancer men love to make money, while these ladies enjoy having fun without worrying about money. Aquarius women find it difficult to get along with crab men because of these basic differences. No matter how hard they try, their love life becomes a headache. A long-term relationship between them is very rare unless both are willing to work hard for it.
How to Be Successful in This Relationship
Don’t expect him to give up his traditional values.
If you’re interested in a Cancer, you need to understand that he is looking for a solid and stable relationship; one that is based on “traditional values.” It’s rare to find a Cancer who has an open approach to relationships, or is experimental, as you are. He can be quite a good provider, however, and will build quite a comfortable lifestyle for you, if you decide that this is the kind of lifestyle you want.
Don’t toss his stuff.
Don’t try to get him to let go of his attachment to the past. He’s a collector, but the things he keeps have to do with fond memories; he doesn’t bother so much with decorative items or conversation pieces. He uses these things as a refuge from the pressures in the world, while you tend to escape into the world of possibilities and the future. Show him some compassion, and mention your fondness for antiques while you’re at it.
Listen, even if you disagree.
Make sure you pay careful attention to him when he’s talking; sometimes he may feel like you’re drifting away, and it hurts him emotionally. When you’re talking to him, never start a sentence that you can’t finish. It will help him realize that you really do care.
Aquarius and Cancer Friendship
Your opposites could make you find each other very interesting and become the best of pals.
For The Crab:
They snap you out of a blue funk or a down mood with a jolt of lightning that you might not appreciate, but that will always be helpful. They’re different…they’re unpredictable…but they are undeniably fun.
For The Water-Bearer:
They know when you are blue. They pack an extra goodie in their lunch for you. They are always there for you. It comes with a price. However, they expect the same from you. Takes work..but it’s worth it.

Cancer and Aquarius Relationship
For The Crab:
They often don’t want to bother with the emotional components of Love. It’s not because they don’t “feel” the same thing…they just process it differently. That can prove troublesome. But anything can work if you really, really want it to. Don’t fence them in, or they’re gone in the blink of an eye.
For The Water-Bearer:
Opposites attract…so they say and you, and they are as opposite as they get. Always be upfront, and you’ll bypass a lot of problems. They are big, emotional softies once you get into their hearts. Like a friendship..this one requires work.
Read More about how the signs are in dating
Dating a Cancer | Dating a Leo

Read More about how the signs are when it comes to sex
Cancer in bed | Aquarius in bed
Are Cancer and Aquarius Soulmates?
Cancer and Aquarius don’t seem like soulmates. Emotional Cancer desires intimacy while independent Aquarius needs space. But with understanding, this pairing can thrive. Cancer must nurture Aquarius’ individuality. And Aquarius needs to provide Cancer with more affection.
This is probably not going to be the best of combinations as you will never be able to have that perfect picture without one of you giving up something of who you are and this will not go down well with either of you. You are just too different in so many areas to be able to have a long lasting, steady and reliable relationship. Cancer needs constant support and reassurance and the home is a very important place for this star sign to resign to. Where as Aquarius will refuse to be locked indoors watching each day pass by without having done anything of significance.
Aquarians are very open and loving people and this is not restricted to just their partner, a large part of Cancer will hate seeing affections given out willy-nilly, and over time Cancer will blow at seeing this constantly happen and the only way out will be for you to have your own lives as well as the one you share together.
Check out these other pages
Aquarius Compatibility Index | Cancer Compatibility Index| Zodiac Compatibility Index
Hello I totally agree with you all. Im a aquarius girl start dating Cancer. i will say he is most understanding and nice person i ever been with.We just start dating not quiet long but there is something bout him that make me laugh n confort.
hi i am a cancer girl dating an aquarius boy.. we have been together for a year and 5 months and we still love each other very much. however, it wasn’t always loves and smiles. we obviously fought like any other couple does in effort to learn about each other. i was aware of the incompatibility between us right from the beginning of our relationship so i braced myself for the turmoil and reminded myself constantly that if we wanted it to work, we had to work at it ourselves. He often goes out and has his own agenda and i find that i have to sit at home and keep myself busy. but at the end of the day that time is “us” time. And although he’s not blatantly affectionate at expressing how he feels in words, it is evident that he cares by the way he plays and makes me laugh. :)
i’m an aquarius, dating a cancer, and it’s working out better than any other relationship i’ve ever been in. the boy means the world to me.
Hi Bekah…. I agree with you. I am a cancer and my boyfriend is an aquarius and no one has ever made me happier. However, it took some time to learn each other and at first it was hard to deal with his emotional detachment. But, now that the relationship has continued, I have noticed that the Aquarius is so good at showing how much he cares for you as opposed to saying it. This relationship has definitely allowed me to value the uniqueness adn individuality in others.
You two i have to agree too, I am also an Aquarius woman dating soon to marry a cancer man, he always makes me feel amazing, and is always there to listen to me, true i like to venture and explore! BUT so does he! we both have the same dream of traveling around the world! forget people who say cancer and Aquarius doesn’t work! Anything is totally possible!