Aries: Dates, Traits, & More

Aries Dates:(born March 21 – April 19)
This is one of the easiest signs to recognize, being what you see is what you get, with very obvious characteristics that include impulsiveness and eagerness.
They tend to be headstrong and tactless – act first and think later, which can go against them as they endlessly pursue their chosen goals, thriving on a challenge.
Whether however, they reach their goals is debatable! Energy and enthusiasm go hand in hand with this placement but they can be selfish and impatient.
They usually have strong leadership qualities and are quite independent-minded, often so in relationships, where they are generally passionate although this will largely depend on their Venus and Mars signs also.
When crossed or facing an obstacle, all hell can break loose, either physically or verbally. They really are a fire sign and the word ‘me’ was written for them!
Aries Traits
Courageous and Generous
Although Aries is without a doubt a sign that looks out for number one, it is also a sign that is very much about generosity and altruism as well.
Many Aries natives are among the first to help those in need and their Mars-inspired courage often means that they are even willing to do so if it means personal sacrifice or peril for them.
They are fearless and unafraid of conflict, making them excellent people to have on your side in a time of crisis.
Brutally Honest and Temperamental
Another direct result of this sign’s Mars rulership and connection to the fire element is the trademark Aries penchant for biting, brutal honesty.
In fact, some may describe Aries as being honest almost to the point of lacking social grace altogether.
The effect of this quality is only amplified by what can most certainly be a fearsome, explosive temper.
Aries tends to open its mouth and speak before it thinks which can naturally lead to trouble. However, drama makes an Aries feel alive on some level, so some may start arguments for the sheer fun of arguing.
Thankfully, Aries is every bit as quick to forgive as it is to rise to anger or dramatics.
Sociable and Extroverted
Like many fire signs, Aries is without a doubt a social entity.
These are people who far prefer being around others to being alone and they especially enjoy people and situations that challenge them to seek, explore, and evolve.
Thanks to their Martian rulership, Aries natives also love to compete and welcome people into their lives who can give them a run for their money when it comes to their areas of interest.
Optimistic and Forward-Thinking
An Aries never does anything half way. They either go big or go home.
They also never, ever give up no matter what life throws their way. In the rare instance life does get them down, you can rest assured that this is a temporary situation.
They’ll come back even stronger and more determined than before. It’s no wonder they are almost always people who come out ahead of the pack when all is said and done at the end of the day.
Impatient and Take-Charge
Patience is not really Aries’s strong suit and “slow and steady” is not a motto you’d find an Aries native likely to adopt.
(In fact, they are considered by astrology experts to be the least patient people in the entire zodiac.) These are folks that do everything at an accelerated pace and this need for expediency can permeate even their ways of walking and talking.
These are also aggressive folks who don’t hesitate to take the bull by the horns when life demands it of them.
Natural born leaders, Aries natives like to face life head on and will rarely (if ever) shy away from a challenge.
Placement: 1st Zodiac Sign
House Ruled: 1st house: House of Self
Constellation: Aries
Element: Fire, enthusiastic
Quality: Cardinal, active
Symbol: The Ram
Ruling Planet: Mars
Detriment: Mars
Exaltation: Sun
Fall: Saturn
Masculine / Feminine: Masculine
Key Words: “Me First”
My Pleasures: Action, new beginnings, assertion
My Pains: Sharing, losing, following through
Qualities: Energetic, dynamic, brave, enterprising
What Aries think about themselves: No time to waste
What others think about Aries: What energy, hard to follow
Chinese zodiac sign counterpart: Dragon
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and is symbolized by the Ram, which represents this type typically headlong, direct, and courageous manner. Aries symbol or glyph represents the self-projecting head of the Ram, so well symbolizing the forward and enterprising nature of this sign, which always seeks adventure and challenge. The Sun is in Aries from the Vernal Equinox at the end of March to around 20 April each year. This is the Spring, a time of vigorous and assertive renewal. Aries can be thought of as the ignition mechanism of the zodiac and of the entire year’s cycle.
Aries Personality
Aries is classified as being of the positive polarity (expressive and spontaneous), of the fire element (ardent, keen, energetic, and assertive), and of the cardinal quality (outgoing and enterprising). Aries shows an objective attitude, expressing urgency and assertiveness, associated with an urge to project energetically, actively, objectively, combatively, and sexually into life. The characteristic Aries type is impulsive, self-assertive, restless, always wanting quick results, and giving the impression of urgency. Aries develops a high degree of initiative, and enterprise, and is a pioneering and adventurous spirit. Aries seems naturally courageous and fearless, the attitude being me first rather than being naturally individualistic. Aries is frank, direct, a go-getter, and a freedom-lover.
Aries may sometimes find it difficult to control its highly impulsive nature. If the courageous and self-assertive traits are over-emphasized or expressed without integration to the whole person, then the Aries expression may become more reckless, impatient, brusque or rude; then there can be a danger of Aries becoming selfish, argumentative, quick-tempered, and aggressive, without heeding the feelings of others. Aries must beware that a leadership quality doesn’t turn into bullying and that bravery isn’t foolhardiness. Aries has to keep a watch over its forward-projecting expression, lest it becomes over-impulsive, thoughtless, over-optimistic, and too quick to be properly thorough. Aries can conceive the start and finish of an enterprise, but often overlooks the details or possible snags that lie between.
Physically, Aries rules the head as a whole (symbolic of the desire to be at the head of things first). Aries can have a tendency for headaches, neuralgia, sunstroke, inflammations, and head injuries, and the impulsive nature can bring about a risk of accidents.
Aries is especially associated with, or “ruled” by, the planet Mars. Aries has a kinship with fellow fire signs Leo and Sagittarius.
The Good Side of Aries
- When they are interested in someone or a situation, they put all of their enthusiasm and energy into it.
- They believe in keeping a good moral standing in society, just like being a very good samaritan. They would sacrifice anything that they can for their loved ones, as their sincerity and honesty tend to shine through, showing that they tend to wear their heart on their sleeve.
- They enjoy taking on different Ventures and projects, they’re not one to shy away from the occasional risky proposition.
- They don’t always try to move up the professional ladder in business preferring to do things their way but don’t let that fool you. They are considered Natural Born leaders in many different aspects of life.
- They bring a lot of creativity to the world and are very self-assertive. When they set personal goals for themselves they set them high so they can achieve greatness.
- They definitely enjoy a good challenge, The only problem is they often feel as though they can do it better than others can, which could be considered a bad trait. On the flip side of things what makes this a good trait is that they try to Channel all of their energy into helping people to reach their own potential.
- You will often see that when other people have given up on a project, they’re usually the last ones to give up. Their goal is to try and make everything work. The only issue is that if they lose interest in that project they will totally abandon the cause.
The Bad Side of Aries
- They can be quite emotional, and they do not willingly suffer from the foolishness of others. The only thing is they do tend to get hurt.
- They sometimes live within their own little world, which can sometimes make them oblivious to the feelings of others, and the effect that their actions bring.
- They easily get upset when somebody tries to tell them what to do. They always feel as though they know what the right answer is anyways so they’ll usually go with what their intuition tells them in that situation. They like to be the boss in any situation that they’re in.
- Some people tend to see them as being quite selfish. The fact is they can be, especially when it comes to their obligations and dividing up their personal time.
- They do tend to be jealous sometimes when it comes to friendships and relationships. They can become jealous of the friends of their friends, where they prefer to have the attention on them. In relationships that can be the same way as they like to have all the spotlight on them.
Aries Careers and Work
They are the youngest sign of the zodiac. There is a reason why Aries is symbolized by a ram; Aries is powerful (and determined), energetic, passionate, and driven. Aries loves working for commission, particularly when bonuses are involved. The courage and spontaneity these people possess make them important members of society, such as police officers and emergency responders. Using their outgoing personalities, they are talented marketers who can excel in advertising, public relations, and marketing. A few of the best jobs for them include business owner, service person, first responder; governmental and political work, television, and entertainment, including film and theater.
Famous Aries Men/ Famous Aries Women
Aries Eminent Personalities Male
Some of the many famous and prominent stars to fall into the Aries category are Robert Downey Jr, Adrian Brody, David Letterman, Alec Baldwin, Elton John, Christopher Walken, Quentin Tarantino, Eddie Murphy, Russell Crowe, Gary Oldman, Martin Lawrence, Harry Houdini, Jackie Chan, Jim Parsons, and James Franco.
Aries Eminent Personalities Female
Some of the many eminent female stars or celebrities that belong to the Aries class of the Zodiac are Mariah Carey, Reese Witherspoon, Victoria Beckham, Rosie Huntington Whitley, Kate Hudson, Miranda Kerr, America Ferrara, Michelle Monaghan, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Kristen Stewart, Jennifer Garner, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Keri Russel.