3rd House In Astrology : Communication

3rd House In Astrology
This house has to do with your early education, your knowledge, and above all, your ability to communicate in any form. It indicates the adaptability of your intellect and your ability to gather information. The third house relates to travel — especially local or short trips — as well as to your immediate environment.
This area of the horoscope also describes your relationship with your brother and sisters. Your conscious mind, memory, thinking ability, and your potential to learn all reside here. Mercury, the planet of communication, and the sign of Gemini rule the third house.
Planets in 3rd House
Sun in 3rd House:
The sun in the third house is a powerful indication of intellect, although there may be mental problems if the sun is badly afflicted. Education and intellectual achievement matter to this person, and the need to communicate is also very powerful.
Good Aspects
- The affairs of brothers and sisters or neighbors are prominent.
- Success through communication skills, such as writing, speaking, and languages.
- Good communication skills.
- learns easily.
- Mentally creative.
Bad Aspects
- The affairs of brothers and sisters or neighbors may not run smoothly.
- Early education may be problematic or even halted in some way.
- Educational and learning problems.
- Disinclined to study or takes on too much and doesn’t see things through
- Not confident in expressing opinions or expressing them too freely.
Moon in 3rd House:
Here the most basic need is to communicate, and this will be expressed in the manner of the Moon’s sign. The need for knowledge is also strong but is often superficial rather than in-depth. What is learned is also often forgotten in the rush to move on to something new – boredom can be a very real problem. Quite cunning when they want to be, these people also have a certain amount of shrewd cleverness, especially when challenged. Feelings and emotions are easily put into words unless the Moon’s sign signifies otherwise. This is a good position for the Moon, enabling the subject to talk through emotional difficulties. Only a close square from Pluto or Saturn will prevent this. However, a Scorpio Moon sign can also block the feelings, and thus cause problems for a third house Moon.
Good Aspects
- Good mental and communication skills.
- Easily educated.
- Good use of imagination.
- Good memory.
- Likes learning and travel.
- Likes making contacts.
- Very aware of family needs and obligations.
- The affairs of brothers and sisters or neighbors ought to assume prominence and may be a source of joy.
- The possibility of frequent changes to the home may move several times.
Bad Aspects
- Education and learning problems. Maybe disinclined to study or may take on too much.
- Not confident in expressing opinions or may express them too freely.
- Restless and always on the go.
- Affairs of brothers and sisters or neighbors may not run smoothly and there may be fluctuations in feelings towards them.
- Many changes are made to the home which is not strictly necessary.
Mercury in 3rd House:
This is the Mercury/Gemini house, so the planet’s influence here will be very strong. Great curiosity, a need to communicate, and mobility are all important to this subject. He or she will spend a lot of time on the telephone, writing letters, or otherwise expressing thoughts and opinions. Words come thick and fast. If Mercury is in an air or fire sign, there is a great love of debate and a certain deliberate provocativeness in the way opinions are expressed. Mental agility and the powers of perception are usually good, and the subject is mentally and intellectually alert. Current affairs fascinate this individual. Although there is a quest for knowledge, it can be on a very superficial level, and more consistent mental effort often needs to be developed. Here is fine potential for a career involving communication, the media, computers, or instruments of communication.
Good Aspects
- Always looking for something to do or something to occupy the mind.
- Lives on nervous energy.
- Versatile and adaptable.
- Ever searching mind eager to learn.
- Considerable mental and communication skills.
- Eloquent speech and writing.
- Travel is likely to be a feature in your life.
Bad Aspects
- Nervous and restless, difficult to relax.
- Prone to change direction too easily.
- Poor concentration.
- Education is problematic due to a lack of application or skimping work.
- Approached problems indirectly perhaps looking for shortcuts rather than answers.
- Versatile.
- Adaptable.
Venus in 3rd House:
Here there is the ability to communicate sympathetically, and a mutual and natural understanding develops between this person and his or her close relations, particularly siblings. Intellectual challenge is a great pleasure, and difficult topics are often studied with great success. Socialising is important to this individual, who will also enjoy entertaining at home in a relaxed and informal manner.
Good Aspects
- Balanced viewpoint.
- Easy-going and diplomatic.
- Speech and writing are eloquent and charming.
- Ought to get on well with relatives and immediate neighbors. Partners found in the immediate neighborhood. A childhood sweetheart is likely.
- Financial gains through good use of communications skills. May gain through relatives or neighbors.
Bad Aspects
- Finances are subject to mistakes or contractual difficulties.
- The affairs of relatives or neighbors are problematic due to financial considerations or emotional upsets.
- May feel the need to be coaxed or pampered before attempting to learn.
Mars in 3rd House:
Very often this individual will have enjoyed his or her school days, and always has something of the eternal student about them. Extremely competitive, especially in sports, this person nonetheless enjoys mental challenges too. An argumentative tendency is often present, and heated debates will bring much pleasure. If this person has a pet project, they will do all they can using their excellent communication skills to inspire others to join them in taking action. Inquisitiveness is also common, as is a lack of patience. There is also a tendency to take a rather warrior-like stance in defense of the family, particularly brothers and sisters.
Good Aspects
- Always on the go eager to get on with life.
- Lots of energy and enthusiasm.
- Independent.
- Strong-willed with definite opinions. Not easily dissuaded or argued with.
- Has courage of convictions.
- Constant fount of mental activity. Eager to learn.
- Can use communication skills and intelligence to good effect.
Bad Aspects
- Very excitable and restless. Too many activities.
- Nervous tension leads to general touchiness and a highly strung nature.
- Overactive mind, headstrong and irritable.
- Inflexible opinions.
- Disinclined to listen, prone to argue quite stubbornly.
- Disputes with relatives or neighbors may erupt from time to time resulting in entrenchment and failure to resolve the differences.
Jupiter in 3rd House:
Jupiter’s influence here will increase the need to expand and exercise the mind, and will quickly lead to problems with boredom if the opportunity is not there. Communication skills are excellent, and actions do tend to follow words – this is a person who follows through on their promises. However, a certain amount of restlessness (both mental and physical) is inevitable. Training and further education will appeal right throughout life.
Good Aspects
- Intellectual mind with optimism and good humor.
- A mind capable of great development.
- Excellent communication skills.
- Natural talent for learning.
- Relationships with neighbors and relatives ought to be very good, even fortunate.
Bad Aspects
- May not use intelligence or communication skills to best effect.
- Education could be impaired.
- Over talkative.
- May accept ideas and beliefs without due consideration of validity.
- Legal or professional advice could be flawed.
- General restlessness. Needs to be on the go all the time, and finds it difficult to rest or relax. May rush into things.
- Relationships with neighbors or relatives could suffer from false promises, disappointments, or even legal problems.
Saturn in 3rd House:
Here there is a tendency to blame weaknesses or failure on the lack of or the standard of education. This may or may not be the case, but is usually the excuse. This is the house of the mind, so the individual with this placing is sensible and practical, with the ability to make long-term plans. If there is a genuine lack of education, it is wise to encourage further study to fill it, which will be an idea enthusiastically met by the subject.
Good Aspects
- Practical mind. No time for the frivolous.
- High concentration on goals and aims. Mind slanted towards success.
- Takes a serious long-term view and is prepared to wait for results.
- Will not express an opinion in the heat of the moment – needs to consider things carefully.
- Strong views and opinions.
- Sound judgment and impartial.
- Interests lie in serious subjects with some depth and substance.
- Studious shows great patience and painstaking attention to detail.
- The need to succeed is high.
- The affairs of neighbors or relatives may assume great importance in life.
Bad Aspects
- Depression may be evident. Sad and gloomy outlook.
- Fear and foreboding may stifle thinking. Sees obstacles rather than challenges.
- Early education may be blighted by conditions or people.
- Sees an adverse connection between learning and restriction. May give up without really trying.
- Fails to rise to the occasion when opportunity calls.
- Timid and inhibited.
- Let’s thoughts rule life rather than the other way round.
- The affairs of relatives or neighbors may be burdensome, may experience feelings of inadequacy.
Uranus in 3rd House:
This placing adds brilliance and originality to the mind, although this person does not take well to discipline. With children and this placing, it is vital that parents don’t misinterpret a mind that bores easily as a mind that is lazy – this person needs plenty of mental stimulation from a very early age. If Uranus is positively aspected, the mind will be very cool and logical, but if negatively aspected the stubbornness and wilfulness typical of this planet will be very evident. With children again, the best way to persuade this person to do something is to ask them to do the opposite!
Good Aspects
- Very unconventional thinking.
- Can learn with amazing speed if interested.
- Likes a great deal of freedom of thought.
- Stubbornly resistant to taking orders or having to accept a pattern of thinking.
- Technical and scientific mind that may also be interested in anything unusual.
- Very intuitive with sudden flashes of original thinking.
- Ability to come up with answers without having to think about it.
- Strange, exciting experiences during travel.
Bad Aspects
- Nervous tension and general edginess.
- Hard to settle into a pattern or rest.
- Will resist any attempt to pigeonhole.
- Highly changeable thoughts making it difficult for people to understand.
- Suddenly changes views to win arguments.
- Sporadic education.
- Social contacts are fraught with problems.
- May encounter exasperating people.
- Tries to force ideas onto others.
Neptune in 3rd House:
People with this placing often have rather mixed feelings towards their siblings, and excessive jealousy can be a problem. Early education here is often unsettled – it is not that there is a lack of intellectual ability (quite the opposite) but that these people may spend rather too much time daydreaming or using their incredible imagination, with the result that concentration can be poor.
Good Aspects
- Wonderful imagination providing daydreaming is kept under control.
- Highly intuitive.
- Artistically minded.
- Good perception.
Bad Aspects
- Vague thinking and given to daydreaming and flights of fancy.
- Lacks concentration.
- Worries.
- Impressionable; accepts ideas without checking facts.
- Easily deceived.
- Religious or mystical matters need great care if deception is to be avoided.
- Thoughts and ideas are misconstrued by others.
- Strange, possibly deceptive, conditions may apply to neighbors or relatives.
- Private matters may come out into the open.
- Contacts and agreements are subject to muddles and mistakes.
Pluto in 3rd House:
The 3rd house needs to communicate and Pluto’s tendencies towards secrecy and silence would seem to be at loggerheads, but this is actually quite a helpful placing for this planet. A powerful kind of curiosity and a searching mind is indicated, and this person misses nothing. Investigative or research work of all kinds is exceptionally well suited to the person with this placing.
Good Aspects
- Thinks own thoughts. Insight. Great curiosity – always searching for answers.
- Good detective.
- A mind which is ideally suited to financial matters.
- Can turn ideas into money. Can spot opportunities for financial advantages that most would miss.
- Major changes in thinking that could be turning points in life, sometimes leading to journeys of discovery.
- Experiences through relatives or neighbors could be vital turning points in life.
Bad Aspects
- The mind is highly emotionalized and subject to pressure and reconstruction.
- Periods of uncertainty and stress.
- Obsessive thoughts which are hard to shake.
- Fear.
- Self-will is considerable, unlikely to accept any ideas which contradict own.
- Too forceful in your opinions tries to dominate the minds of others and gain an advantage.
- Education could well have been a problem – it may have been an emotionally traumatic affair with fearful conditions, or it may even have been halted altogether.
- Something of a loner in your thinking.
- Impulsive actions.
- Beware of get-rich-quick schemes, shortcuts to success, or anything that is not completely honest and above board.
- Relationships with neighbors or relatives are problematic. Possible eruptive situations leading to entrenched positions which are not easy to live with and even harder to resolve.
Next: 4th house
What are your thoughts on this house?
The third house is the natural home for the sign Gemini, and like Gemini it is ruled by the planet Mercury. It shares the same “element” as Gemini — Air. The third house is in a “cadent” position. Each house following a “succedent” house, and preceding the next “angular” house is called “cadent.” All the cadent houses correspond to the mutable signs–in this case Gemini.
The basic keywords I use for this are “communication” and “ideas.” It relates to our desire to connect with others on a mental level, to share our ideas, and to learn about others and the world around us. It is known for pure “curiosity”–a desire to acquire information for its own sake (rather than for a specific purpose or to meet a practical need).
On another level, It also relates to transportation, short distance travel, neighbors, and siblings, too. Like Gemini, It encompasses a lot of variety and versatility–lots of different things going on at one time.
The sign located on the cusp of the third house and the planetary ruler of that sign, indicate how we communicate our ideas. Planets located in the Third house can indicate where we will focus most of our communications and possibly what subjects will most interest us. Planets in the 3rd house can also represent our siblings and neighbors or our relationships with them. The natural qualities of this placement will also affect our manifestation of the planets located there. Regardless of which sign they are in, Planets in the third will have a slightly “Gemini” flavor.
I have Capricorn on the cusp of the 3rd, and Chiron in Aquarius in the third (although it is closely conjunct the cusp of the fourth). The ruler of my 3rd, Saturn, is in Sagittarius in the second house. Capricorn on the third indicates a certain amount of ability to organize my thoughts and communicate in a structured way. (Although this is sometimes countered a bit by emotional outbursts from my firey Leo Moon.) With Chiron in Aquarius in the third, I have some “wounding” (Chiron) around thinking and speaking. As a child I had an actual speech impediment — I couldn’t pronounce the letter “r,” it came out as “w.” As I grew up I corrected the speech impediment, but have encountered a fair amount of criticism for my “unusual” (Aquarius) ideas (3rd house).
Take a look at your chart, what does the third house say about how you communicate?