Libra Sign Dates, Traits, & More

Libra Zodiac Sign Introduction
As depicted by the sign of the scales, Librans are always trying to find the correct balance in life and within situations and relationships.
Unlike the other air signs, they generally really need to be in a satisfying relationship, yet unless other planets fall in flamboyant signs, there will still be that airy, intellectual aura to the relationship as opposed to a fiery, passionate one.
Undoubtedly the most diplomatic of all the signs, they love harmony and therefore make great mediators in times of crisis and arguments.
They do however often sit on the fence, not taking either side and are infamous for not being able to make decisions.
They like things to be quiet, fair, and easygoing and give the impression of being a walkover, but are harder to crack than it would at first appear, probably because of their air sign quality of not being governed by emotion but by logic.
Theoretically at least, a partnership offering the tact and diplomacy of a Libran and the impulsiveness of a strong-willed Arian could be the perfect compromise! And whereas with Aries, the pronoun is I, with Libra it is we.
Libra Traits
Graceful and Artistic
Lovely Venus’s influence on this sign can further be seen in Libra’s natural affinity for grace and the arts.
These are not clumsy individuals by any stretch of the imagination.
In fact, many Libras instinctively take to media like dance in order to express themselves and work through life’s little stresses.
Yoga, tai chi, and other low impact body-oriented forms of exercise are also favored.
In addition to this, its one of Libra traits to seek inner balance through other forms of art such as painting, poetry, or music.
Vain and Sometimes Impractical
Many Libra traits are associated with its ruling planet. Venus is a lover of all things harmonious and beautiful.
As a result, it is one Libra’s traits to be concerned with the outward appearances of things. They will often spend a great deal of their money decorating their homes and making them just so.
Plenty of time and care goes into the cultivation of their outward appearance as well and few Libra natives would be caught dead wearing disheveled clothing or sporting unbrushed hair.
However, some Libras can become so stuck on superficial things that they can grow lazy and impractical in other areas of their lives if they’re not careful.
Social and Flirtatious
Libra is an air sign and like all air signs, love being around people and are extroverted for the most part.
These are people who make friends easily and to whom social skills come very naturally.
They love to socialize and being liked in general is a trait that is extremely important to them.
However, this desire can make Libra easy to take advantage of if they don’t learn how to tell the difference between sincere praise and superficial flattery.
Its a Libra trait to be natural flirts who are never at a loss for potential partners and suitors.
Its also one of the Libra traits to be good-looking and possess a pronounced affinity for charm; this tends to make them popular and helps to take them far in life.
Wavering Yet Fair
Just like their sign the scales, Libras instinctively seek balance when it comes to every decision, relationship, and situation they undertake.
The idea of cheating anyone out of what’s rightfully theirs or making a wrong decision is terrifying to a Libra.
As a result, many of these natives have a tendency to over-agonize over the simplest decisions.
This can cause them to appear wishy-washy to outsiders who don’t understand the Libran thought process. However, all these individuals really want is what’s right and just for everyone.
Libras are also folks who feel driven to stick up for the underdog and speak up should they feel they are witnessing any sort of injustice whatsoever.
This makes them excellent judges, social workers, and charity workers.
Hates Conflict and Seeks Harmony
The preservation of harmony is of the utmost importance to Libra natives and they dislike nothing more than they dislike conflict.
This can cause many born under this sign to hide their true feelings or views in order to sidestep challenges from other people.
Some even resort to outright deception in order to keep the peace. In the end, they figure a little fib or two is perfectly acceptable if it spares someone else’s feelings or keeps a blowout from happening.
This can often result in trouble of a different sort should the deceptions be discovered though, so it is important that people born under this sign don’t let their desire for peace outweigh the necessity for honesty in relationships.
Libra Dates: (born September 23 – October 22)
Placement: 7th Zodiac Sign
House Ruled: 7th House: House of Partnerships and Relationships
Constellation: Libra
Element: Air
Quality: Cardinal
Symbol: The Scales
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Detriment: Mars
Exaltation: Saturn (Modern astrology)
Fall: Venus
Masculine / Feminine: Masculine
Key Words: “I Balance”
My Pleasures: cooperation and fairness
My Pains: Chaos, decision making
Qualities: Soft, Affectionate, Diplomat, Charming
What Libra think about themselves: I would like everything to be beautiful
What others think about Libra: He/she is adorable
Chinese zodiac sign counterpart: The Dog
Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac and is symbolized by the Balance or Scales. Libras symbol or glyph also attempts to capture this representation of balance. The Sun is in Libra from around September 23 until around October 22 each year. Libra is classified as being of the positive polarity (expressive and spontaneous), of the air element (intellectual, mentally active & communicative), and of the cardinal quality (outgoing and enterprising).
Libra Personality
Libra characteristically shows an attitude of relatedness with others, expressing harmony and associated with an urge for unity.
As Aries was centered on the self, the opposite sign Libra centers on others. As Aries is an expression of relatedness to self, so the opposite sign Libra is an expression of relatedness to others or a special other.
Libra has a particular awareness of other people’s feelings. Libra is charming, affectionate and tolerant, and seeks relationship, balance, peace, and calmness.
The characteristic Libran type has a natural desire to be diplomatic, compromising, and cooperative, and is kind and easy-going. Libra has a great sense of fair play and a very balanced and unbiased way of looking at the world.
Libra will do anything for peace and harmony and is greatly unsettled by any environment of coarseness, discord or conflict.
Libra prefers working in a pleasant and harmonious atmosphere, with people who don’t impose undue pressure.
Libra also has a particular affinity with the evaluation of relatedness, balance, and harmony as seen in aesthetics, beauty, art, and form.
Libra is idealistic and at heart a perfectionist.
The sign is sometimes referred to as Lazy Libra, though this apparent laziness is often really indecision, with a dependence on others to shake them from their idealistic dreams.
In its quest for balance and harmony, Libra nevertheless rarely indulges in the stronger or more passionate emotions.
Libra can experience problems if called on to make urgent snap decisions.
When the Libran manner is overused or unintegrated, it can become too compromising and easy-going, changeable and vacillating, indecisive, soft, frivolous or squeamish, with a lack of confidence and sit-on-the-fence, peace at any price attitudes.
Physically, Libra rules the kidneys (symbolical of weighing and eliminating what is unwanted and the lumbar region. Libra may have a tendency to kidney complaints. Libra is especially associated with, or “ruled” by, the planet Venus.
Good Side of Libra
They have an easy time making friends. If you’re looking for someone who would be a wonderful friend and great companion, this would be the person for you.
They’re great at explaining things and figuring out problems. If any of those issues are problematic, they can express themselves diplomatically. They will then work to resolve those issues.
They are the type of people who really think things through before acting upon them. They don’t usually take risks. They like to consider their options carefully before making decisions.
They love socializing with others and seem to be drawn to creative or artistic people.
They are capable of forming their own opinions about a variety of subjects. If the person with whom they are debating has a valid view or if they can justify their position, their opinion might change.
They can be affectionate and tender towards a loved one, a partner, or even a close friend.
It comes naturally to them to have a good sense of taste, a sense of style, and a sense of sophistication.
Bad Side of Libra
When they are left on their own for too long or go into solitude, it seems that they lose themselves a bit and fall apart.
When they’re irritable, they can be extremely argumentative and confrontational.
When they are upset by something, they will usually dwell on it. This can sometimes become borderline obsessive. Occasionally, they may feel sorry for themselves or have a pity party.
It is not uncommon for them to manipulate things or twist events to make them more convenient for themselves. That way, it basically suits their needs or is beneficial to them.
Often, they are very intense. Sometimes the intensity can be aggressive or demanding, especially when they put pressure on others.
Libra Career and Work
This is the type of person we can’t live without. They are gorgeous, charming, humorous, and very entertaining. Their cooperative character makes them excellent ambassadors and excellent team leaders. The fact that these individuals are supportive and have a helpful nature makes them the most suitable candidates who would make dealing with customer service a pleasant experience. Sometimes but not always, Libra seems to gravitate toward the artistic or creative side of life. More often than not, if they are into music, they would rather be the lead vocalist in a band, where they can engage and interact with the crowd. This is more appealing to them than being a lyricist.
Some of the best jobs for them are as follows.
Serving as a diplomat or ambassador for a brand or even a country. As an entertainer or performer, such as a musician or dancer. An individual that’s involved in marketing or sales would probably more than likely be able to charm their clients. They would excel at being a mediator or negotiator. They could do well as tour guides or travel agents. And when it comes to the business world itself they would do very well as a supervisor, administrator, or a boss.
Famous Libra Men / Famous Libra Women
Libra eminent personalities male
Some famous star males with the zodiac sign Libra are Will Smith, John Lennon, Michael Douglas, Zac Efron, Jeff Goldblum, Jean-Claude van Damme, Sting (musician), and Matt Damon.
Libra eminent personalities female
Some star females with the zodiac sign of Libra are Gwyneth Paltrow, Kelly Preston, Bonnie Hunt, Kate Winslet, Olivia Newton-John, Gwen Stefani, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Julie Andrews, and Ashlee Simpson.